Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TED talk from Mike Rowe

Well in this ted talk the guy from dirty jobs talks about one of his experiences on a farm in the mountains.  He was to help castrate lambs and did his research on how they do this.  It is supose to be that you tie a rubber band around the tail and scrotum and the part would just fall off after a while.  But the farmer he was observing first did it a more unorthadox way.  He simply cut the tail and pushed on the penis to reveal the testicles and bit them off with his mouth.  He then showed what happened with the rubber band in comparison.  the lamb seemed to be in extreme pain and was unable to walk, and this process with the rubber band could take over a week. where the lamb who just had its balls bit off seemed fine and the bleeding had stopped.  It just goes to show you how we perceive things one way in ignorance.  He also went into how we perceive jobs that are gross in this bad light and that the way our country is run and how every body looks down on manual and nontech jobs. 

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